Broadbeach State School is fortunate to be supported by an active Parents and Citizens Association (P&C). We welcome all members of our school community to support our students, and our school with us through engagement in our P&C meetings, and community and fundraising initiatives throughout the year.
Feedback and suggestions from parents, students and school staff are always welcome. To contact your P & C team please email us at
Stay up to date
Follow us on our P & C Facebook and Instagram pages to keep up to date with all of our P&C activities throughout the year.
How to get involved
Help us make a difference by donating your time in 2025. No ongoing commitment required, just volunteer for what you can. You can register your details here or email the team directly at
Join the team in 2025
General membership: Download a 2025 P & C Membership here
Executive Committee: Download a 2025 P & C Nomination form here
Executive positions:
- President
- Treasurer
- Secretary
- Vice President: General support
Vice President: Events
P&C Employees:
Operations Manager: Clara Mason
Convenor: Cherie Clayton (Tuck shop manager)
Assistant Convenor: Ingrid Woods
To contact the tuck shop/uniform shop please email the team directly at
What do your P & C do?
Ongoing community support is essential to ensure we can continue to offer the following each year:
Operate two P&C owned business units - The Broadie Bite and the Uniform Shop
Host fun events for students (pending volunteer support) - eg. Colour Explosion Runs, Prep Teddy Bear Picnic, Christmas Carols Concert, Mother's/Father's Day stalls, etc.
Host fun opportunities for parents/carers in our community to connect (pending volunteer support) - eg. Trivia nights, Ladies lunches, etc.
Provide financial support to a vast number of initiatives and projects, such as:
Financial contributions to the school's Family Connect Program (family support)
Financial contributions to large school projects - eg. Playgrounds, handball courts, etc.
Financial contributions for classroom resources - eg. Readers for all Prep students
Subsidised transport costs for students to attend events - eg. Sporting carnivals
Financial assistance for resources and equipment for the HPE department - eg. Sports kits for all classes, portable goal posts, laundering of sports uniforms, etc.
Financial assistance for the Music department to purchase and maintain equipment and resources - eg. Sheet music, instruments, ensemble uniforms, etc.
Hosts regular P & C General Meetings for all members of our community to attend to learn about what's happening at our school and contribute to discussions around important decisions requiring community consultation