Student Resource Scheme (SRS)
Student Resource Scheme (SRS) has been developed to provide parents with cost effective access to textbooks, resources, consumables and/or materials through reduced prices gained via the school’s bulk purchasing processes. The SRS provides an entire package for the specified participation fee and is not available in parts.
Participation in the scheme is desirable, but no obligation is placed on a parent/carer to participate. A parent’s decision to participate is based on consideration of the value afforded by the scheme.
SRS $280.00 due 28 March 2024
Non participation
If you do not wish to participate in the SRS please contact the school office to obtain an appropriate year level booklist. You will also need to return the form to the office indicating nil participation.
PREP Booklist.pdf
Year 1 Booklist.pdf
Year 2 Booklist.pdf
Year 3 Booklist.pdf
Year 4 Booklist.pdf
Year 5 Booklist.pdf
Year 6 Booklist.pdf
Centrepay option
Families who have an existing Centrepay arrangement are required to complete a new form at the beginning of each year. Forms can be obtained from the school office, downloaded here or from the Centrelink site. It is preferable that completed forms be returned to Student Finance, so a copy can be retained for our records.
Payment arrangement
If you choose to participate in the Student Resource Scheme and would like to arrange a payment plan, you will need to make an appointment to meet our Finance team to have the contract proposal approved and signed.
Payment plan
Other finance forms:
Request for refund
Payment policy
Students must have SRS fees paid in full or be up to date with agreed arrangements to be eligible to participate in any excursions, camps or other extra curricular activities. This policy will be strictly enforced. Final payment dates are necessary to allow staff to organise buses, venue entries, and appropriate levels of supervisory staff. Late payments and return of permission forms make finalisation of plans difficult. Permission forms and payments must be received by the due date or an active payment arrangement must be in place.
If using a payment arrangement, permission and medical forms must still be returned by the specified date for a student to be included in the activity.