
Class times


Please refer below for class times, outside hours care and procedures for late arrival/early departure. 

  • First bell: 8:45am
  • Roll is marked at: 8:45am
  • Lessons commence session 1: 8:45am
  • First break Prep - Year 2: 10:50am to 11:30am
  • First break Year 3 - Year 6: 11:00am to 11:40am
  • Second break Prep - Year 2: 1:30pm to 2.10pm
  • Second break Year 3 - Year 6: 1:40pm to 2:20pm
  • School finishes: 3:00pm 

Late arrival

Students should be in class by 8:45am. Students arriving before 9:30am are to report to their class. Students who arrive after 9:30am must come to the office to receive a late arrival slip. This slip is generated through the school database which records the time the student has arrived.  This then becomes part of their official absence record which stays with them throughout their school life and is available to other schools when students enrol.

Early departure

If you need to collect your child early from school, it is preferred that a note is sent to their teacher advising them of when the students will be required to leave and who will be collecting them.

In the case of an emergent situation it is preferred that you contact the office as soon as possible so office staff can arrange to have your child/ren waiting at the office for you.

Students will not be released until they have been officially signed out from the office. Office staff will generate an early departure slip, recording

  • the time of the student’s departure
  • why they are leaving and who has collected them
This slip is given to the child/ren’s teacher for their records. Please keep in mind however, that from 10:50am to 11:40am and 1:30pm to 2:20pm, students are on lunch break. On Thursdays and Fridays senior students may be attending sports.  It can be very difficult to locate students during these times.In an emergent situation at these times, staff will do their best to assist you.

If someone other than yourself or one of your listed emergency contacts will be collecting your child/ren, please call the office to advise of the change in arrangements. Your representative will need to provide ID if requested. School staff have a legal obligation to ensure that students leave with an authorised person, who is at least 18 years of age. To avoid embarrassment, please keep this in mind.

End of day procedures

School finishes at 3:00pm. There are school staff at exits to ensure students are collected on time and no students are left waiting unsupervised. All students should be collected no later than 3:15pm. Any students still waiting at 3:15 will be taken to the office. Office staff will try to contact parents. Office staff will supervise students in emergent situations only. If you are regularly unable to collect your child/ren by 3:15, you will need to organise suitable after school care.

Absences and Exemptions 

In the event of an absence greater than 10 days, e.g. family holiday or funeral interstate/overseas, exemption approval from the Principal is required. This is a formal document required by Education Queensland providing documentation for the extended absence. In the event that the Principal declines your request for an approved exemption from school, this does not cancel your enrolment, nor does it mean you are unable to take the extended absence.

After school care service

The PCYC outside hours care service has a limited number of places. These places are reserved for families who have completed the correct enrolment forms and who have made bookings for their children to attend regularly. Children cannot be sent to outside hours care on a casual basis.  

Repeated and consistent late collection from school can ultimately result in official notifications.


Last reviewed 03 June 2020
Last updated 03 June 2020