Before Enrolment
Welcome to Broadbeach State School, thank you for enrolling your child at our school for Prep.
Please see the related links section on the right of this page to check if:
For further information please complete our Enrolment Enquiry Form.
Alternately you can call our office on (07) 5570 8444.
The images below will link you to websites and resources that will aide you in preparing your child for Prep at Broadbeach.
Starting school is an important milestone in a child’s life. There are so many ways you can support your child to have a great start to school, some practical ideas are linked through the pictures below.
links below are comprehensive resources we've gathered and recommend
parents take the time to read. If you have additional queries we
highly recommend contacting our administration team via phone or email.
Broadbeach State School

The above image will link you to our schools overview of Prep.

This kit includes a series of A4, downloadable information sheets and an A3 poster
that outlines the understanding and speaking milestones for children aged 12 months-5 years. The information sheets and poster outline how early childhood educators and
speech pathologists can work together to ensure that children reach these milestones
within the expected timeframes.
A brief document detailing the truths of Bilingualism in Young Children.
A comprehensive list of the groundwork and healthy routines any parent can utilise to help put their child on the pathway to success.
Simplified and print-friendly brochure that reinforces the steps outlined in
Preparing your Child for Prep and our other listed resources.
A card game designed by the Department of Education to help parents communicate with their children in a safe and engaging format. Please read the
Guide Booklet for further instructions
Let's Read aims to provide information to help all children develop reading skills from the ages of 1-5 years.

This details what students will learn in their first year.